About Master Yow
About Master Yow
“Ethical, frank, helpful, honest, humble, kind, patient, responsible, trustworthy”
are words commonly used by our customers to describe Master Yow
- Over 25 years as a Professional Feng Shui Master
- Only Disciple from the ancient Feng Shui Lineage in China
- Inherited his Lineage Ancestry’s expertise, knowledge, SECRET FORMULA, and mastered the TRUE ESSENCE in the ancient realm of Chinese Astrology, Feng Shui and the Wheel Of Dharma (Heaven-and-Earth Divination)
- Master Yow had to go through a ceremony to formally acknowledge discipleship and to undertake an oath to abide by the code of ethics, principles and rules of the Feng Shui Lineage
- So as to distinguish the respective Feng Shui Lineage
- And to prevent well-guarded exclusive knowledge and secret formula from falling into the wrong hands and doing harm instead of good
- Lineage means that Master Yow has an ancestry of Masters and Grandmasters who passed down their expertise, knowledge and secret formula by oral teaching from generations to generations, so as to help people
- To be accepted as a Disciple of a well-respected Lineage is a great honour and privilege
- To date Master Yow continues to enhance and apply his knowledge and practical skills in the ancient studies of Chinese Astrology (BaZi), Names, Feng Shui and the Wheel Of Dharma (Heaven-and-Earth Divination)
- 从事专业风水服务已超过25年
- 邱师父是唯一传承天地盘与古中国五术风水命理秘法的门徒
- 精通天地盘的心法,专用天地盘来分析与讲解天地卦
- 精通古中国五术的命理八字五行星术与命理环境风水秘法
- 邱师父正式拜师,发愿遵从传统风水门徒的入门道德,操守与条规
- 这是为辨别不同的风水派系和确保如此殊胜难求的专业知识与秘法不会传到心术不正之徒的手中
- 邱师父承续了他师父与历代风水祖师代代相续以口诀传承下来的专业知识,经验与秘法,来帮助社会大众
- 能正式被授为入门徒弟是莫大的荣耀与特权
- 至今,邱师父继续不懈学习,研究与印证风水命理(八字),姓名学,天地盘等古老学术与秘法的实践性
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